Chasing Eveline Release Celebration (July 11, 2017)
Hoosier Pie
Did you know that in 2009, Hoosier Pie was named the Official State Pie of Indiana? This pie may have originated with the Amish in the 1850s, but it’s not really clear where the recipe came from. I read it is sometimes called “Desperation Pie” because it has such a short list of ingredients. You may also know it by its much more dull name– sugar cream pie.
Ivy from Chasing Eveline has a slice every year during Fall Festival. Sometimes, though, if you’re particularly nervous about something, it’s not the best treat to eat. The second piece is especially not advisable. She learned this the hard way.
Want to make Hoosier Pie? Here is a recipe via CountryLiving from Nick’s Kitchen in Huntington, Indiana.
And if you live in Indiana, here is a list of 11 restaurants that serve the best Hoosier Pie. Anyone out there been to any of these places? Let me know!
xo, Leslie