It’s Just a Plant
Her father loved his plants. He mostly grew roses, but when retirement forced him out of his home–the one with the yard for all his rose bushes–he turned to geraniums. He nurtured them until his postage stamp patio exploded in a rainbow of pinks. There were two that especially took to his love. They were more tree than flower, growing more and more with every passing day.
But one day came and went and took her father with it. Now the plants have been moved, and like the rest them who were nurtured and loved by him, the plants have lost a little of their color amid the lifelessness of loss.
Determined not to lose anymore, she trimmed the dead and washed away the bugs. She lugged it home and muscled it onto her patio. She’s determined to save it.
It’s just a plant. But it’s also so much more.