It’s Tuesday! And this means another edition of TOP TEN TUESDAY, a weekly meme brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish. I always feel like this on Tuesday…
I never want to miss a week of Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topis is Books I liked Less/More Than Everyone Else. Though I love TTT, I usually stay away from hype. And bandwagons. I despise bandwagons. This is also why I am about a year behind everyone else on reading some books (Eleanor and Park/ Hunger Games/ Harry Potter, for example). But even then, I can’t escape the hype. So sometimes books meet the hype and sometimes I’m let down.
10. The Magnificent Ambersons/More:
This book barely made the Top 100 Books of the Century (at #100). I thought it was one of the best books I’ve ever read.
9. Emma/More:
It’s maybe not so much that I like this more than others, but despite my INTENSE LOVE for Pride and Prejudice, I think I secretly love Emma a little bit more. *cringe.
8. The Sound and the Fury/ Less:
I call this book The Sound of My Fury. The end.
7. Ethan Frome/Less:
I was so irritated with all the characters. They just made dumb choices and then wondered why life was so sad. I wanted to punch them all in the face. Several times.
6. Love in the Time of Cholera/More:
Everyone talks about One Hundred Years of Solitude, but I thought this book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a masterpiece.
YA Lit
5. The Princess Diaries/More:
Most of these probably aren’t “more”, it’s probably just “as much as”. I loved this series. I thought Mia was hilarious and I laughed out loud.
4. Twilight/More and Less:
I wouldn’t call myself a Twihard (is that the right term?). But I was entertained by these books, even though I didn’t think the writing was that good and I don’t think Stephenie Meyer really understands love.
3. Eleanor and Park/Less:
Before you panic, let me say that I did like this book. I thought it was a great book. I just didn’t think it was as great as the hype suggested it would be. I expected it to transform my life according to what I’d heard everyone say about Rainbow Rowell.
2. Harry Potter and The Hunger Games series/More:
This is a case of I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. This is outside my genre. Wizards and a game where teens fight to the death? Um, no thanks. But years after the hype settled, I tried them out. And I loved them.
1. Before I Fall/More:
Same with this one. It’s more that I liked it much more than I thought I would. And really, there wasn’t so much hype about it. I had just heard it being talked about a lot.