It’s Tuesday. And this means…

It also means it’s time for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday, brought to you by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s theme is Top Ten Author Duos You’d LOVE To See Write A Book Together. I see this as a date. It started with that long stare across the bar, followed by awkward introductions and some nervous laughing. And then the exchange of phone numbers. Oh wait…that doesn’t happen anymore. So, I guess it started with someone clicking on the other one’s profile. (Ugh. Not nearly as romantic. But that’s a rant for another day.)
So with that in mind, I present to you…
♥♥ Top Ten (or Five) Author Duos Who Met on ♥♥
5. Christopher Moore and JK Rowling
Moore’s sarcastic vampires at first annoyed Rowling’s sincere wizards. But slowly, the wizards started laughing, gaining an edgy side, and the vampires loved the added wizardry to their world. It’s fun messing with really sincere characters.
4. Louise Rennison and Laurie Notaro
We have all just peed our pants. I think Laurie and Louise just brought the British invasion to the desert. And it’s the funniest thing ever. Everyone’s basoomas are sweating and Georgia Nicholson is doing shots.
3. Nick Hornby and Louis Sachar
What if the characters in Holes were suicidal? What if Rob from High Fidelity found an old neighbor to play bridge with and talk out his problems? What if two dry senses of humor join? It’s freaking awesome, that’s what.
2. Nuala O’Faolain and Sandra Cisneros
Mango Street now has a pub on it. Two of the most beautiful wordsmiths get together here every night and create stories with descriptions that steal our hearts. O’Faolain asked, “Are you somebody?” and Cisneros said, “I am woman hollering creek.
1. Sarah Dessen and Sylvia Plath
C’mon. That’s just funny. The Truth About Forever is that there’s a hot oven waiting for all of us.
Who do you think would click on each other’s online dating profile? What’s the oddest couple you can think of? And who will be together for a lifetime?