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When you get to meet someone famous whom you admire, this is it, right? And no one does it better than Oprah. haha. Well, this is the topic of this week’s TOP TEN TUESDAY hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For me, there’s my dream world-which is pretty much fantasy that will never come true! And there is reality-based hope-which is all the stuff that isn’t so far fetched that it could actually happen. So here is my list that includes both of my worlds!
Top Ten Authors I’d Like to Meet
Authors on My Dream List
10. Sarah Dessen
She’s the reason I write YA contemporary. Her books–in particular, The Truth About Forever–formed my love of YA.
9. Ernest Hemignway
Of course this is my fantasy list…because he’s no longer alive! But The Sun Also Rises is some of the most beautiful fiction I’ve read.
8. Louise Rennison
Mostly, I just want to hear her British accent. But I love the Georgia Nicolson series, and I figure anyone who can write such funny characters must be a hoot in real life!
7. Sylvia Plath
I’m just so intrigued by her.
6. Nuala O’Faolain
She was an Irish writer, and I felt like her books were written just for me.
Authors I Could Possibly Meet/Have Met
5. Sandra Cisneros
I met her at the LA Times Book Festival. It was so disappointing. She showed up late and asked us what we wanted her to read. She hadn’t put any thought into her appearance and we had waited hours. Boo.
4. Pat Conroy
I met him at a book signing in Northern California. He was so gracious and wrote a personalized message to me on the inside of the book. Yay!
3. Susane Colasanti
Even though she’s well-established, I feel like we should meet. She was a teacher, she loves office supplies, and her latest novel comes out on the same day as mine! I think that’s Something Like Fate. (Haha, one of her novel titles)
2. Abby Reed/1. Amber Duell
Shout-out to two 2017 debut authors on the SerendipiTEA tour with me. Check out Abby here and Amber here. Maybe someday we can meet in real life and not just on Twitter!
What authors have you met or would like to meet? Do share!
xo, Leslie