It’s 2016 and I’m resolute about resolutions. So here I am making a blog post. I resolutely hope to do this more often in the new year. And since it’s Tuesday, in this new year it still means that it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s topic is TOP TEN RESOLUTIONS I HAVE FOR 2016. I’m not sure if I have 10, but I suppose it wouldn’t be a very good start to the year if I resolutely cheated on my first blog post. So, here it is….(that’s a drumroll you hear, in case that wasn’t clear)
10. I will start to read again. Yes, go ahead and shame me. I’m a writer who doesn’t read. Much. It reached a point last year where I became so disillusioned with books because the very things that I was being dinged for in my queries/samples, wildly successful authors were doing in their wildly successful books. So every book made me mad. And I stopped reading. But I miss it. So I’m going to read with the eye of a reader and not with my eye of the writer. Because that’s the thrill of the fight. Ha.
These are some fantastic books I resolutely intend to read this year and more specifically, soon:
9. I will blog regularly. That means on a regular schedule. With regularity. I’d like to keep my photo stories and these Top Ten Tuesday posts. I’m always at a loss, though, with what else I could post. I mean, who really cares what I have to say? My dog Mr. Darcy does, but he can’t read. Or speak. So that’s of no help. I’ll figure something out. But if you have any wonderful ideas, leave them for me in the comments!
This is a photo I can’t wait to use for a photo story:
8. I will write with more regularity and start that new YA story that’s been living in my mind. I will not let “The Man” get me down. Until I win the lottery and can sit in my Pottery Barn office and be a career-writer, I will get up in the wee hours of morning and stay up into the wee hours of night to write. A wee hours writer. Because nobody puts Baby in a corner. Especially not something I do just to pay the bills.
Here is a picture of the office I will have when I win the lottery and will be writing with so much regularity that I will probably disappear into one of my own stories:
And the rest… They aren’t very important, so I’ll just rush through them.
7. Avoid books that will cause me to eat added sugar
6. Stop reading (see #10) long enough to get to the gym 4 days a week and run 3 times a week.
5. Read more nonfiction
4. Don’t read nonfiction while eating foods with added sugar
3. Don’t let that nonfiction keep me from working out either
2. Spend more time playing with Mr. Darcy. (I think his resolution is spend more time staring out the window)
1, Keep these resolutions not because they are resolutions but because they are all things I want in my life. Cheers to a Happy 2016!