This is how I feel today because TOP TEN TUESDAY is back! And also, who doesn’t love Kermit, right? TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Go here for more info so you can join in! This week’s topic is “What’s on your spring TBR list?” If you’ve been here at all before, you know my TBR list is an ever-growing mountain that one day I am certain will bury me alive. But I’ve decided to dedicate myself to a certain focus. So this year I’m starting with 2017 Debuts. Some of these aren’t necessarily just for spring, but here is my list…
10. How to Break a Boy
This one is in slot #2. But it may move up because to be honest, I’m still dying to know how to break a boy.
9. Wait for Me
I’m anxious to read some historical fiction. I don’t read much of that. This one looks good.
8. The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
I love the premise of this book. I like the idea of how elusive and mysterious those seemingly perfect popular kids are. They never are as perfect as they appear.
7. Lessons in Falling
This one is up next for me. I like gymnastics. It looks like a fun read.
6. #Famous
I’m already reading this one. It’s good. And YAY! I’ve already started on my 2017 TBR list!
5. It Started with Goodbye
I’m not going to lie: this one landed on my TBR list because of the cover. I love it.
4. Geekerella
And I’m not going to lie about this one either: this one landed on my TBR list because of the title. I love it. And I don’t think I’ll be disappointed by either of these books.
3. Alice (The Wanderland Chronicles)
Okay, and I can’t lie about this one either: based on this beautiful cover, I think it’s way too scary for me. Lol. (Parts of Beverly Hills Chihuahua scared me. Just so you have a better understanding. Lol) But I’m so excited for this author and her debut that I want to be brave. The momerath are coming. How can I not want to know about that? Check it out and consider adding her book on Goodreads!
2. Something Beautiful
Isn’t that cover great? If you like stories about strong friendships, consider adding this book on Goodreads as well!
1. Brooding Young Adult Hero’s Guide to Achieving Main Character Status
Hahaha…his Twitter account is so funny. I can’t wait to read his book! This author is on a Book/Tea Tour with me, so please consider adding her book on Goodreads!